RAF Internship Description
Responsibilities of this internship will include but are not limited to:
Helping RAF's marketing efforts with posting and monitoring our social media presence currently Facebook and Instagram; working with an RAF trustee on content and creatively posting about once a week (possibly more preceding and post an RAF event); forwarding questions, responses or comments from our social media accounts to the supervising RAF trustee or directly replying as appropriate; monitoring and following new followers. This is a non-paid internship. Duration of internship is negotiable. Estimation of hours per week: 3 - 10 plus 1.5 hours per month for monthly meeting.
You will experience exclusive behind-the-scenes peek working as the RHS Teen Representative on the Board of Trustees. Attend monthly 1.5 hour meetings.
You will gain professional experience as an assistant to RAF events, for example, fall Gallery Tour, annual Honors Event, Spring Salon.
You will have an opportunity to meet professional artists from different areas of expertise (for example, fine art, performing arts, floral design as well as business professionals) and learn about their roles and responsibilities.
In addition, perhaps consider planning and facilitating an event for other young adults by collaborating with RHS creative organizations (eg, ARTBeat, New Players).
Feel free to email information@ridgewoodartsfoundation.org with any questions.